Yesterday was the first feedback meeting from the schools who have been using the world. The impact of the world has been very positive. Most of the schools have used the world with their classes to deliver the first unit of work (report writing). Some schools have had technical problems which has delayed the start of the unit, but hopefully they will soon be exploring Barnsborough avidly.
All the teachers commented on how motivating and engaging the virtual environment is for the children. The resulting work produced has been of a very high standard for the children with some teachers suggesting that it may be 1 or even 2 sub-levels above where they generally are. One of the reasons may be the way that the world has been introduced to them and the fact that the children have engaged with the purpose of their work (i.e. to help RJ or JJ!).
Although the project is aimed at raising standards in boys writing, all the teachers have commented on how much good quality speaking and listening Barnsborough has generated. In fact some children won't stop talking about it. Also as the children are so enthusiastic to find the clues many of them are reading texts which are quite challenging for them.
The teacher also mentioned that they felt as though the classes were very united about the project and the project was helped to develop working together.
Thanks for all the schools for their input yesterday and a special thanks to Jane MacKay who is continuing to produce top quality planning for the schools to use.